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This first issue of the revived JLS contains articles that reflect the founding vision of Murray Rothbard, with a range of subjects: economics, history of political thought, legal theory, and philosophy.

In this issue, Roberta Modugno writes on “The Libertarian Legacy of the Old Right,” and Carlton Smith contributes a pair of articles, “Keynes’s General Theory: A Solution in Search of a Problem” and “Socialism and the Anarchy of Production.” Connor Kianpour tackles the immigration issue with “Breaking Boundaries: An Investigation of Libertarian Open Borders.” Jason Morgan writes on Austrian legal scholar Eugen Ehrlich and the Soviet jurist Evgeny Pashukanis in “A Practical Approach to Legal-Pluralist Anarchism.” J.C. Lester untangles conceptions of interpersonal liberty in “The Heterodox ‘Fourth Paradigm’ of Libertarianism.” Finally, David Dürr’s Murray Rothbard Memorial Lecture at the 2019 Austrian Economics Research Conference, “The Inescapability of Law and of Mises, Rothbard, and Hoppe,” is published here.

This first issue of the revived JLS contains articles that reflect the founding vision of Murray Rothbard, with a range of subjects: economics, history of political thought, legal theory, and philosophy.

In this issue, Roberta Modugno writes on “The Libertarian Legacy of the Old Right,” and Carlton Smith contributes a pair of articles, “Keynes’s General Theory: A Solution in Search of a Problem” and “Socialism and the Anarchy of Production.” Connor Kianpour tackles the immigration issue with “Breaking Boundaries: An Investigation of Libertarian Open Borders.” Jason Morgan writes on Austrian legal scholar Eugen Ehrlich and the Soviet jurist Evgeny Pashukanis in “A Practical Approach to Legal-Pluralist Anarchism.” J.C. Lester untangles conceptions of interpersonal liberty in “The Heterodox ‘Fourth Paradigm’ of Libertarianism.” Finally, David Dürr’s Murray Rothbard Memorial Lecture at the 2019 Austrian Economics Research Conference, “The Inescapability of Law and of Mises, Rothbard, and Hoppe,” is published here.